MATARAM, STIGMA.CO.ID – Entering the second day of the working visit of the Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General Harfendi, S.I.P, M.Sc., in the Korem162/Wira Bhakti area, it was continued with an agenda of working visits to Kodim 1606/Mataram and Kodim 1620/Central Lombok, on Wednesday (6/9/2023).
Before carrying out the kunker at the two Kodim, the Pangdam and his entourage started the activity by carrying out morning exercises with Makorem 162/Wira Bhakti personnel at the Mayonif 742/SWY field. On that occasion, the Military Commander gave directions to all Soldiers and Civil Servants throughout the Garnizun Mataram, to always maintain their health, one of which is to do sports.
After the joint exercise, the Military Commander and his entourage continued their working visit agenda to Kodim 1606/Mataram and Kodim 1620/Central Lombok. At the two Kodim, the Military Commander was welcomed by each Kodim Commander, namely Dandim 1606/Mataram Lt. Col. Lt. Col. Arm Muh. Saifudin Khoirozzamani, S.Sos., M.H., and the Dandim 1620/Central Lombok Lt. Col. Kav Andi Yusuf Kertanegara, along with his staff and the local Forkopimda.

After receiving a unit presentation from the Kodim Commander, the Pangdam gave a briefing to all members starting with introducing himself. The Military Commander said that as a soldier you must make a minimum effort to maintain and build a unit with all limitations.
“All soldiers regardless of rank must be disciplined. High or low rank is part of fate and fortune, don’t want to always look high and look up, so that we are given smoothness and health. Be grateful for what you get now, Allah will add more blessings to us, ” said the Pangdam.
The Pangdam further advised that the existence of Babinsa in the target village can be petrified and accepted by the community, it is expected that all soldiers live in an orderly manner, maintain health and are not wasteful. When you retire you can live in your own house.
Facing the upcoming 2024 elections, the Military Commander reminded us to maintain neutrality in the democratic election celebrations. In addition, the Military Commander also emphasized that TNI soldiers should not be involved in practical politics in elections, which means not interfering, taking sides and influencing, or being active in elections.
“We must remain neutral in the election, even though the TNI’s job is to provide assistance to the Police in maintaining security at every stage of the election,” said the Military Commander.
During his visit to each of the Kodim, the Pangdam was accompanied by the Danrem 162/WB, Asintel Kasdam IX/Udy, Asops Kasdam IX/Udy, Kapendam IX/Udy, Kabekangdam IX/Udy, Kapaldam IX/Udayana, Kahubdam IX/Udyana, Kakesdam IX/Udy, Kasrem 162/WB, Heads of Kasrem 162/WB and Dandeninteldam IX/Udy. (Pendam IX/Udy)