WEST LOMBOK, STIGMA.CO.ID – During his working visit to the Korem 162/WB area of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Harfendi, S.I.P, M.Sc., took the time to inspect the KPR housing for members of Korem 162/WB who were in Bellpark 2 housing, Kekeri Village, Gunung Sari District, West Lombok Regency, on Wednesday (6/9/2023).
In his speech before the Key Handover event, Pangdam IX/Udayana said that ownership of this housing was in accordance with the Kasad Work Program which calls on every Soldier to have a private house. PT. Silva himself and Korem 162/WB have facilitated this which in the end has carried out several developments.
The Military Commander revealed that local partners were chosen to build this housing because if they brought in companies from outside the island to work in NTB, they would experience difficulties because of the characteristics of the region, but if they used partners who were here, they would already understand the local characteristics.

“Hopefully in the future many of our soldiers will have private homes for their old age. They cannot just rely on official housing. Now it is easier for soldiers to pay for their house in installments through a program from the Indonesian Army in the form of Mandatory Housing Savings (TWP). It is better to have a house that even though in installments, we are confused when we retire, “said the Military Commander.
After giving his speech, the Military Commander symbolically handed over the House Keys to representatives of members of Korem 162/WB on behalf of Prada Venansius Apriliano from Yonif 742/SWY unit and Prada Wilhelmus from Korem 162/WB unit, as a sign of official ownership of the house. Followed by housing review for members.
Also present at the event included Danrem 162/WB, Director of PT. Salva Inti Property, Kasrem 162/WB, Kasi Kasrem 162/WB, Asintel Kasdam IX/Udy, Asops Kasdam IX/Udy, Kapendam IX/Udy, Dandeninteldam IX/Udy, Para Dandim Korem 162/WB, Danyonif 742/SWY , Dan/Kabalak Aju Kodam IX/Udy and Kabalakrem 162/WB, as well as representatives of Korem 162/WB personnel. (Pendam IX/Udy)