DENPASAR, STIGMA.CO.ID – As Kogasgabpad Pam VVIP, Kodam IX/Udayana which oversees the Provinces of Bali and Nusa Tenggara, has full responsibility for the duties and obligations to carry out maximum security for VVIP guests who make working visits in their area. In this case, Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., as Pangkogasgabpad Pam VVIP, always emphasizes his soldiers to carry out security according to the applicable procedures.
As was the case during the working visit of First Lady Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo and his entourage in the Province of Bali in order to attend the Commemoration of the 2023 PKK Movement Unity Day, which was held for 2 days, namely Friday to Saturday (June 9-10 2023).
During the Working Visit, the First Lady and her entourage carried out several activity agendas, including holding a demonstration of the Handwashing with Soap Movement (CTPS) to introducing a number of traditional games at SDN 4 Manukaya Gianyar, attending the Balinese Traditional Kebaya Women’s Parade at the Denpasar Art Center, and carrying out activities Compost One Country Simultaneously at the Tampaksiring Presidential Palace, Gianyar.

During her working visit to Bali, Mrs. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo and Mrs. Hj. Wury Ma’ruf Amin was accompanied by a number of members of the Solidarity Action Organization for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Era (OASE KIM).
In addition, during the activities from the beginning of arriving in Bali, the First Lady’s entourage was also accompanied by Ms. Pangdam IX/Udayana Ny. Dinni Sonny Aprianto, Governor of Bali Mrs. Ni Luh Putri Suastini Koster, Mrs. Kapolda Bali Ny. Ketut Mahajani Jayan Danu Putra, Deputy Regent of Gianyar Ny. Ida Ayu Diana Dewi Agung Mayun, Mrs. Kapolres Gianyar, Mrs. Dandim 1616/Gianyar Kadek Ayu Astuti Herawati, and PKK cadres.
All security activities on the First Lady’s working visit agenda were carried out by personnel involved in the VVIP Pampas Task Force which had been emphasized by the Military Commander IX/Udayana in his address during the Troop Calling. The call for the deployment of the security forces is to confirm task commitments and to physically check the readiness of the personnel and material that will be involved in VVIP security.
The Military Commander said that it was necessary to understand that this security task was a state duty that had to be carried out properly and optimally and should not be considered a routine activity. Each unit, both individually and as a unit, must be ready to carry out their duties, able to prevent various vulnerabilities and contingencies that may occur during the First Lady’s working visit with her entourage to leaving Bali. (Pendam IX/Udy)