DENPASAR, STIGMA.CO.ID – Optimizing communication to improve the quality of drafting regulations and policies within the Indonesian Army, the Indonesian Army Planning Staff organizes Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) activities on Indonesian Army Laws and Regulations at the Kodam IX/Udayana led by the Planning Assistant for Kodam IX/Udayana (Asrendam), Colonel Arm Untoro Haryanto, S.I.P., M.I.P., at the Main Meeting Room of Syafiudin Makodam IX/Udayana, on Wednesday (6/9/2023).
Pangdam IX/Udayana, in his remarks read by Asrendam IX/Udayana, said that it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the formation of statutory regulations is one of the conditions in the context of developing national law, which can only be realized if it is supported by standard methods and methods, as well as binding on all authorized parties in the making of laws and regulations.

The Pangdam also explained that this activity was part of the implementation of development within the TNI AD, so in preparing a regulation, it required steps that were well prepared, also taking into account the various alternative benefits and costs that might arise from the regulation.
Asrena Kasad, in his speech read by Lt. Col. Ckm Agus Mulyana, S.H., M.H., Spaban VIII/Binjemen Srenad, as the Team Leader said, in the intake assessment regulator forum, the TNI AD ranks, including Kodam IX/Udayana, can provide suggestions and input related to the impact of the implementation of all TNI AD regulations and policies.
Furthermore, Asrena Kasad stressed in his speech that he should always maintain the synergy of relations so as to produce regulations and policies that are effective for all units to support the achievement of the main tasks of the Indonesian Army and optimize communication to improve the quality of drafting regulations and policies within the Indonesian Army.
This activity was attended by Deputy Assistant Kasdam IX/Udayana, Deputy Heads of Military Command IX/Udayana, and the entire implementation team from Mabesad. (Pendam IX/Udayana)