GIANYAR, STIGMA.CO.ID – Army engineers have an important role, not only in supporting the main tasks of the Indonesian Army but also in assisting development programs run by the government, including in dealing with natural disasters. Apart from that, the Engineer Corps is one of the oldest corpses in the ranks of the Indonesian Army, which was formed only two months after the Proclamation of Independence.

This was conveyed by Pangdam IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., in his speech when attending the 78th Army Engineer Birthday Celebration (HUT) 2023 at the Combat Engineer Battalion Headquarters (Yonzipur) 18/Yudha Karya Raksaka, Gianyar, on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
“In connection with this birthday celebration, as Pangdam IX/Udayana and personally I would like to wish all members of the Corps of Engineers a happy birthday, accompanied by prayers and hopes that this birthday moment can be used as a means of introspection and evaluation of all the activities that have been carried out over the past year,” said the Pangdam.

The Pangdam further stated that Zeni or Genie, is described as a soldier who is a genius, clever, and skilled in applying various things to support the achievement of the main tasks he carries out. “Considering the very importance of the existence of the Engineer Unit, I hope that all members of the Corps of Engineers will continue to improve the quality of their service through seriousness and sincerity in studying, training, and serving as part of the fortress of the Republic of Indonesia,” hoped the Pangdam.
Carrying the theme ‘Army Engineers are Patriots of the Republic of Indonesia’, this year’s commemoration of the anniversary of the Army Corps of Engineers is also expected to be a source of inspiration and motivate the spirit of service of all members of the Corps of Engineers so that they are able to realize the meaning of Yudha Karya Satya Bhakti, namely serving with loyalty to their duties in the future. war and in peacetime, for the success of the TNI AD’s main tasks.

The event continued with the reading of prayers and the cutting of tumpeng by Pangdam IX/Udayana, accompanied by Kazidam IX/Udayana and Danyonzipur 18/YKR, given to the oldest Engineer Corps soldier represented by Serma I Ketut Artawan and the youngest soldier Prada I Made Darmadi. Then, Pangdam IX/Udayana and the Head of Persit KCK PD IX/Udayana wrote their impressions and messages for Yonzipur 18/Yudha Karya Raksaka.
Furthermore, during the friendly and entertainment event, Persit Zidam IX/Udayana and Yonzipur 18/YKR Creative Gymnastics were shown. Present at the event were Irdam IX/Udayana, Kapok Sahli Pangdam IX/Udayana, Danrem 163/WSA, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udayana, Kabintaldam IX/Udayana, Dandim 1616/Gianyar, Army Engineer Elders, Persit KCK PD IX/Udayana, as well as other invitees. (Pendam IX/Udy)