Full of Spirit Soldiers and Civil Servants of Kodam IX/Udayana Se-Garnizun Denpasar Commemorate 78th Heroes Day

DENPASAR, STIGMA.CO.ID – A hero is a person who stands out because of his courage and sacrifice in defending the truth and prioritizing the interests of the nation and state above the interests of his group and/or himself.

That is the speech of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Mensos), Tri Rismaharini, read by Pangdam IX/Udayana, Major General TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., when he was the Inspector of the 78th Heroes’ Day Commemoration Ceremony in 2023, which was attended by Soldiers and Civil Servants of Kodam IX/Udayana Se-Garnizun Denpasar on Friday (10/11/2023) at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Field, Kepaon, Denpasar.

Furthermore, the Minister of Social Affairs said that the commemoration of Heroes’ Day this time carried the theme “Heroic Spirit for the Nation’s Future in Fighting Poverty and Ignorance”. This theme is raised through deep reflection to answer the increasingly real threat of modern colonialism because the Indonesian nation is blessed with so many extraordinary natural resources.

This is the real challenge for the next generation to manage natural wealth and the potential of the Indonesian population for the glory of the nation and state. We will conquer these threats and challenges armed with the same spirit as exemplified by the fighters of November 10, 1945.

“It’s not easy, but we can definitely do it. Heroes have taught us that we are not a nation of losers and will never be willing to kneel down and give up. No matter how big the threats and challenges, we will definitely face them with clenched fists and roaring chests.” Strictly speaking.

Ending his message, the Minister of Social Affairs invited all Indonesian people to join hands, including community leaders, religious leaders, and youth warriors from all over the archipelago, all of whom merged into one. Freedom or death! “Happy Heroes’ Day 2023! Let us pray for the heroes who have fallen before us.”

Also present at this activity were: Irdam IX/Udy, Kapok Sahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Pamen Sahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Kasrem 163/Wsa, Asrendam IX/Udy, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udy, LO AU, LO AL, Irutum Itdam IX/Udy, Irutben Itdam IX/Udy, and Para Kabalakdam IX/Udy. (Pendam IX/Udy)

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